
Ningbo Jinhai ChenguangChemical Corporation.
+86-574-8765 3737

Ningbo Jinhai ChenguangChemical Corporation.

Ningbo Jinhai ChenguangChemical Corporation was established in 2008 to promote international quality specialtyproducts and polymers from its petrochemical businesses. Jinhai Chenguang facilitiesare located in the Ningbo Petrochemical Economic and Technological DevelopmentZone in Zhejiang Province. Currently the main business of Jinhai Chenguang is based on derivatives of C5 materials. Plant facilities allow for separation and purification of Crude C5 with capacity of 150,000 mt/year of feedstock. Primary C5 crude feedstocks are supplied by pipe...


Product shows


石棉县| 贵阳市| 盘山县| 邯郸县| 京山县| 丽江市| 龙陵县| 武定县| 海口市| 海丰县| 玉山县| 商河县| 广宗县| 昌宁县| 丰城市| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 兴山县| 滨州市| 五台县| 柳江县| 海城市| 涡阳县| 南投县| 武鸣县| 丰原市| 宜黄县| 雷州市| 长阳| 鲁山县| 沁水县| 新邵县| 车险| 永安市| 清丰县| 习水县| 安丘市| 留坝县| 剑川县| 京山县| 石景山区| 织金县|